Not Practicing What I Preach
I must confess something. I do not always practice what I preach! “Oh, no, say it isn’t true!!” I am afraid it is. Considering I have now been posting on this blog since 2006 and have over 1200 of the one minute On Success audios under my belt, it would be very hard to practice […]
Health And Wealth
Successful people all have a common habit – the habit of healthy living. From health comes wealth. No one can sustain the attitudes and actions of achievement without the solid foundation of a healthy lifestyle. This doesn’t mean you won’t ever get sick but it does mean that you must place physical and mental well-being […]
Frank’s Money
My friend Frank is one of the richest people I know. Yet he and his family live paycheck to paycheck. I know you’ve heard that living like this is not what rich people do. And you’ve heard all the cliches about how to attract money and abundance. Yet you probably still say things like “I’ll […]