What A Wipeout!

While some of the health concerns and injuries I’ve had over the last few years have been difficult and sometimes frightening, more often than not, I’ve always been able to find a positive lesson that has benefited my life. Well, it’s happened again! Not too long ago, I had a pretty impressive wipeout while waterskiing. […]

Going To Get Back Up?

How does the sport of boxing relate to success? Well, in boxing, victory goes to the person who gets up after being knocked down just one more time than his competitor. Success isn’t necessarily about winning or having a competition. But it comes from that same perseverance demonstrated by boxers and various other athletes. It […]

Sports Life

How can someone work daily for months or even years on end, often focused on just one day’s outcome? To find out, all you need to do is ask an athlete. And how can a business person translate what an athlete does into their own success? Socrates had the answer when he said – Know […]


“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.” I’m not sure at what point in his life the actor Christopher Reeve made that statement. Perhaps it was while he was on the Broadway stage before his big acting triumphs […]