I Sell Used Cars, Trust Me!

There are lots of interesting methods for encouraging and persuading others, especially in a sales situation. Yet, there’s only one technique I know that works for both the buyer and the seller. Truth. Telling the truth creates the best opportunity for creating a sale. It is important for the buyer to tell the truth about […]

I Don’t Need It!

You know all the sales techniques and everything about your product and service, yet people still won’t buy from you. Maybe the reason your sales are flat or difficult is because you’re trying too hard! Years ago, as a tour manager in Europe taking busloads of keen yet tight-fisted holiday makers on excursions, I learned […]

On Closing Sales

There are many techniques for closing sales. Some work while others don’t. But let’s keep this simple. What is the one common denominator in all your successful sales? The common denominator is, quite simply, you. Every successful sales agent, leader and influencer I’ve ever known, understands that the most important factor in their system is […]