Totally Devoted To …?

If you’re not giving 100% of your best to your time, you’re guaranteed to get less than your best result. It’s not the amount of time you devote, but what you devote your time to that counts! Yes, your best can fluctuate. If you’re tired or sick or if you’re coping with fear, your best […]

On Being A Victim

Are you a victim – of yourself? Abraham Lincoln correctly said – people are as happy as they make their minds up to be. You will always be as happy or confident or sad or whatever, as you decide to be. If you don’t believe me, where exactly do you think feelings come from? Internal […]

Build A Better Foundation

There are 4 cornerstones to an accomplished life. In a nutshell, here they are: Action – First, speak truth. Your truth. And truth is only ever really told when nothing is held back. Second, no matter what is going on, take full responsibility for your actions and choices. Don’t find blame in other people or […]

No One Left To Blame

It used to drive me crazy when people swore they wanted to create more success but then always did the same things. When I understood what was really going on, I became far less judgmental. Actually, the word “remembered” is better than “understood”. Because when I remembered what happened to me when I took my […]

Who’s In My Neighborhood?

No matter where you live, you live in a neighborhood. It’s irrelevant whether your nearest neighbor lives a “country mile” away or right next door. In our work, we also live in a neighborhood. You may like your neighbors, in this case known as your co-workers, or not. Is one of your co-workers a bully […]