Lotta Time Lotta Nothing

  I’m always surprised by how little I actually worked when I was an employee! Although I created a lot of results for my employer during my 8 hour day, I also spent a whole lotta time doing a whole lotta nothing! Research shows that most employees can use up to 3 hours a day […]

What The Real Problem Is

Do you know how to immediately solve 50% of a problem? The common-sense way to successfully set up a problem to be solved is to define that problem thoroughly. Most people identify something they think is a problem when, in actual fact, it’s a superficial glitch. But when problems are truly defined, they are much […]

The Power Of Acceptance

Accepting yourself is one of the most powerful choices you can make. In my experience though, people resist the idea of accepting the darkest thoughts and corners of their personality because they feel it is a form of disempowering surrender. I have watched professionals become effective leaders once they accepted their fears and insecurities. I […]

What Killjoys Teach Us

Have you ever experienced a happy moment that was killed by a negative remark? Killjoys really can spoil a party! Or can they? Do we react because the comment is truly negative or is it because a grain of truth in what has been said hits home? Let’s face it – it’s our interpretation of […]

What Butterflies Know

Your negative feelings can help you create success in your life. You see, the level of your dissatisfaction is actually a measure of your courage to grow beyond your comfort zone. Those negative feelings are a signal that you’re ready to go beyond where you currently are. If you ever see a butterfly trying to […]