5 Creative Ways to Calm a Chaotic Mind and Be More Productive

Everyone has a chaotic mind from time to time. And sometimes the chaos is so severe that it impacts your productivity. I’ve put together a list of 5 creative ways to calm a chaotic mind so you can get more done. 1. Keep the Brain Busy There’s a delicate balance between keeping your mind busy […]

Confidence and Consistency

I recently asked the international listeners of my daily one minute audio program The Morris Code a single question, which was “thinking about the last few days you’ve been at work, which of these skills / mindsets would you like to improve to be more successful in your job.” There were nine possible responses on […]

Make Success A Priority

The way to get things done is to schedule your priorities, NOT prioritize your schedule. It’s the actions and habits that will move you fastest toward your goals and success that must be your  focus. Fit in everything else around them. Yes, you’re really busy. Just like everyone else. But people who successfully reach their […]

Itty Bitty Bits Of Time

We only have so much time in our day and, often, we feel like we’re wasting the time we have, especially when we’re waiting for a bus or a client or the start of a meeting. Although those chunks of time never feel long enough to get started on anything, there are ways to use […]

What Is Your SDA?

Along with your daily multi-vitamins, do you take your SDA? SDA stands for single daily action. With a single daily action, there’s always something that you can do today to move closer to success, no matter what goal you’ve chosen. To put it another way, if you’re not taking an SDA for your goal today, […]