10 Simple Ways To Motivate Yourself On Monday

1.    Eat A Frog – A favorite saying of mine is: If the first thing you do in the morning is eat a live frog, you can rest assured it will be the most unpleasant thing you will do all day! Not only is ‘eating a frog’ the #1 tip for improving motivation every day, […]

Why Procrastinate Now?

  I’m often asked “why did you write a book about procrastination … and why would anyone want to procrastinate now??”. There are two main reasons and both are quickly explained in this video. And if you’ve not yet downloaded the book, just go to this link.  

Procrastinators Unite – later

Here’s another newspaper article about my book, Procrastinate Now – Rethinking Time Management, printed in the March 16, 2017 edition of Metro News in Ottawa, Ontario. Unfortunately, at the time of posting this, there is no direct URL to the Metro article but there is one for the Ottawa Business Journal from March 14, 2017 […]

Popcorn – The Verb

Who knew “popcorn” was a verb?! Well, it is, and I’m doing it! Popcorning is doing a variety of short, fast tasks in 5 or 10 minute chunks over an hour or two. You essentially “popcorn” around your desk and to-do list using a timer or computer alarm clock to keep yourself on track. I […]

Find The Cat

Sometimes, as we wander through our day, instead of seeking information, data and solutions, we seek respite. We seek distraction. We seek a little time to ourselves. So I thought I would provide a little accommodation. There is a cat wandering through the photo above. Take a few minutes to find it. Please don’t tell […]