What Is A Word …

Perception is a very interesting thing. It guides and supports us, increases or decreases our motivation, and it often fools us. Please, when you have figured out how to ‘perceive’ the statement above, leave a comment without revealing the secret.

Just Fake It!

Here’s a simple technique to increase your confidence levels in an instant. Action – Right now, stand as you would if feeling full of confidence. Hold your chin high, shoulders back and spine straight. Open your eyes wide. Smile slightly. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Now, stand as if feeling doubtful. Hunch your shoulders, […]

La Bella Luna!

Have you ever noticed that huge moon that sometimes appears just on the horizon? For centuries, scientists have come up with many theories about this phenomenon. Most of it boils down to the same thing – because of the way our brains are hard-wired, matched with experience, we create an illusion. Our conscious belief about […]