10 Simple Ways To Motivate Yourself On Monday
1. Eat A Frog – A favorite saying of mine is: If the first thing you do in the morning is eat a live frog, you can rest assured it will be the most unpleasant thing you will do all day! Not only is ‘eating a frog’ the #1 tip for improving motivation every day, […]
In Between
I feel like I’ve just lost a point in my tennis match. It was a great rally. Back and forth. Top spin, smash, on the line, double-handed backhand return, bobble at the net …. a great point indeed. And I just came up a bit short on that last lob. Damn. In other words – […]
Teacher, Teacher
William Arthur Ward said: The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. If we swap the word “manager” for “teacher”, what kind of manager would you be? You’re a mediocre manager if you simply tell your staff what and when to do something. You’re a good manager […]
People Pleaser!
Fear is like cement – it will hold you down as if you had superglue on your shoes! And the fear of ridicule will stop most of us in our tracks. In our heads, we imagine that if we do X, then Bob will become annoyed. Or maybe the boss will think we’re a failure […]
Hey, Let’s Hang Out!
Are you hanging around with the right people? Who we associate with has a major impact on our lives. Maybe you’re trying to drop a few pounds but your friend keeps bringing over cookies and cakes. Or you find yourself complaining about office policies with others around the water cooler. Or maybe you’re buying things […]