Finding Time Just For You

How often have you considered doing something you’d like to do but realized you don’t have time for it? How often does a week pass by and you did not have a minute to yourself? Not even a minute to do anything you might want to do just for yourself. It’s a typical scenario these […]

5 Quick Tips for Improving Your Self-Worth Fast

Are you not having a good day? We all falter sometimes. All it takes is a little unasked-for criticism or someone just treating us harshly to trigger us into a spiral of negative self-talk and anxiety about not being liked. When you need to remind yourself of your worth fast, it’s good to have some […]

5 Creative Ways to Calm a Chaotic Mind and Be More Productive

Everyone has a chaotic mind from time to time. And sometimes the chaos is so severe that it impacts your productivity. I’ve put together a list of 5 creative ways to calm a chaotic mind so you can get more done. 1. Keep the Brain Busy There’s a delicate balance between keeping your mind busy […]

I Have A Confession

I’m always a bit intrigued when I meet people who think that, because of the work I do in personal and professional development, my life must be totally sorted. Zen-like. Balanced. As much as I’d like to say it is, of course it is not. I become stuck, feel envious, get bogged down in noise, […]

But What?

We all have ’em. Buts. No, not butts, though we all have those too. But “but”. You know … that little word that stops you from taking the next step. From choosing A or B (or C or Q). From feeling more positive about yourself. From living the life you say you want. You know […]