Metacognition – An important skill for the workplace

What is metacognition? John Flavell (1976) coined the term metacognition. Metacognition refers to higher-order thinking that enables understanding, analysis, and control of one’s cognitive processes, especially when engaged in learning. The more popular definitions of metacogition are:  the process of ‘knowing about knowing’; the process of ‘thinking about thinking’; the process of developing self-awareness and […]

Are you self-aware at work … really?

Recently, I asked a group of young adults in a college setting, “how many of you are self-aware?” The whole class (forty-three) put up a hand. “Really,” I said (in a tone reminiscent of “suuuuure”). I then asked them to write down their answers to the following questions: List three positive events from your childhood. […]

Meta This, Meta That – What The Heck Is Metacognition?

“Metacognition” refers to a learner’s automatic ability to understand, control, and manipulate his or her thinking processes. A person with well developed metacognitive skills can identify and overcome blocks to learning and can bring learning from off-the-job to on-the-job situations and vice versa. Metacognition includes… Metamemory – knowledge of the memory system and the strategies […]