The Great Manager / Leader

The eastern philosophy of leadership states: “The wicked leader is he/she who the people despise.The good leader is he/she who the people revere.The great leader is he/she who the people say ‘We did it ourselves.’” – Lao Tsu What makes a great manager/leader? There are many characteristics of great managers/leaders.  Among the top eight is […]

Teacher, Teacher

William Arthur Ward said: The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. If we swap the word “manager” for “teacher”, what kind of manager would you be? You’re a mediocre manager if you simply tell your staff what and when to do something. You’re a good manager […]

I Know How You Feel

IQ may get you through the door, but your EQ – or emotional intelligence quotient – is becoming a strategy to get you promoted. EQ measures your awareness and management of your own and other people’s emotions. Using statistically valid research instruments, studies correlate high EQ to successful leaders or salespeople, which makes complete sense. […]

Hittin’ A Brick Wall

If you’ve been bashing your head against a brick wall trying to get something done at work, stop!! That head-bashing does not lead to success. So what does? Successful people become successful by being of service. By giving their talent and expertise, they have become leaders who inspire others to do the same. If you […]

How Great Thou Art

People often think that to be considered a great leader, they must do something really big and significant. But as author Charles Simmons so aptly put it, “true greatness consists in being great in little things.” In research, people have made these statements about what makes a great leader: She is consistent and you know […]