I Accept That …

The poet Lawrence Durrell once said ‘music is only love looking for words.’ Taking that idea in another direction, I say that your state of overwhelm is anxiety looking for acceptance. Your doubt is loneliness looking for acceptance. And your anger is fear looking for acceptance. Durrell was pointing out a very positive relationship between […]

The Grand Life Purpose

Some people feel like their life has little purpose. This type of angst can lead people to spend a fortune on self-help books, coaching, therapy or even some addictive behaviors like drinking and partying too much. The bottom line is this … You cannot find a purpose – you must allow it to come through. […]

The Untouchables

I think one of the coolest movies around is the film The Untouchables with Sean Connery and Kevin Costner. For me, it illustrates a great point. In a scene where Kevin Costner bursts through the door of Connery’s apartment to find him shot, bloody and dying on the floor, Connery, with his last breath, grabs […]

Being A Real Help

If you really want to help others, then one of the best and fastest ways to do that is to create a vacuum for their success. What I’m really talking about is creating a space where people can grow. Can grow “into” actually! Treat people as if they were already what they want to be […]