5 Creative Ways to Calm a Chaotic Mind and Be More Productive

Everyone has a chaotic mind from time to time. And sometimes the chaos is so severe that it impacts your productivity. I’ve put together a list of 5 creative ways to calm a chaotic mind so you can get more done. 1. Keep the Brain Busy There’s a delicate balance between keeping your mind busy […]

The Most Important Thing Today

It’s Friday, January 11, 2019 What is the most important thing you can do today to stay on track with your work-related performance goals? Think about that for a minute … I’ll wait. De de do do da da dum didly dum dopee dopee do La la do de do la la Hmmm la de […]

Happy New Year – Part 3

I hope you have enjoyed the exercises and questions over the last few days.  Remember to leverage your learning by sharing your ideas, thoughts and awareness with someone who can help you achieve your goals in 2019. Please note that if you have not read Part 1 or Part 2 of this series, Part 3 […]

Happy New Year – Part 2

What did you learn from yesterday’s exercises?  What achievements appeared that surprised you? As promised, we’re going to look at those bits and pieces that seem to hang around us, weigh us down, distract us.  These are known as “tolerations” – those energy-sapping annoyances that creep into our thoughts, time, energy and space. This toleration-zapping […]

Happy New Year – Part 1

Yup, its that time of year again! 2018 is rolling to a close and amidst all the parties, family, friends, shopping, snow and special TV programs, this time of year offers up the perfect opportunity to take stock of the past 12 months, clear away “schtuff” that’s simply hanging around and look forward into 2019. […]