Key To Failure

There has been some angst in the house for the past few weeks. I think I know what it is all about … teenagers wanting more independence, marital spats, winter weather keeping us indoors more, stepkids moving in full time, and so on. But my own internal angst has been a bit harder to define. […]

Circles Of Success

Most people think success and failure are total opposites of each other. Instead, I propose that we look at success and failure as concepts that travel in a circular motion. Using this viewpoint, each failure, if seen as an opportunity to learn, immediately becomes a success. And success becomes a failure if we don’t see […]

Fearing Failure

“To think that you’re not going to fail is an illusion. The faster and more you fail, the closer you’ll be to what you want.” While I don’t know who said that phrase, they’re clearly reminding us that “failure” is something to welcome on our path to success. Many people tell me that the reason […]

Success, Defined

“Success” means different things to different people. So let me clarify what it means for me. I know I’m successful when I have more want-to’s in my day than have-to’s. You’ll notice I mention nothing about money, relationships, position or status. When my days are filled with want to’s, I know I’ve made choices based […]