Circles Of Success

Most people think success and failure are total opposites of each other. Instead, I propose that we look at success and failure as concepts that travel in a circular motion. Using this viewpoint, each failure, if seen as an opportunity to learn, immediately becomes a success. And success becomes a failure if we don’t see […]

My Way Or The Highway

It’s almost impossible to go head-to-head with someone and change their mind. Why? Well, one of the biggest reasons is that you’re fighting what’s known as a “confirmation bias”. As children, we’re curious – always asking lots of questions. Then when we hit the teenage years, we start turning off questions and start turning on […]

Just Fake It!

Here’s a simple technique to increase your confidence levels in an instant. Action – Right now, stand as you would if feeling full of confidence. Hold your chin high, shoulders back and spine straight. Open your eyes wide. Smile slightly. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Now, stand as if feeling doubtful. Hunch your shoulders, […]

Hey, I’m Your Brain!

Rates of depression are higher now than for our grandparents and great-grandparents. Ironically, their daily lives, which were often characterized by trials for sheer survival, were filled with activities some psychologists believe lead to better mental health. Today, you and I enjoy the pleasures of the internet, fast food and automated everything. These so–called conveniences […]

Little Lessons For Big Problems

How many times a day do you change your plans without even realizing it? When a glitch appears, you alter your plans and carry on, without missing a beat. This happens every time you’re stuck in traffic, the phone rings or someone interrupts you. So why is it then that you grind to a halt […]