SPROING – neuroplasticity and your thoughts
Did you know that a simple thought is a few micromilliwatts of energy flowing through your brain? Yes, a simple thought may seem like an innocuous event; however, this thought can impact your emotional well-being. Did you know that if we make a conscious effort to change a thought/attitude, our old way of thinking begins […]
The Day After
There is a lot of banter in the news today that the US (and ultimately the global) economy will plummet because of the re-election of President Barack Obama. Now, I generally avoid political comments on my blog, but what I’m about to say is not political. It is very possible, however, that you won’t like […]
Feeling Flow
In the realm of positive psychology, there have been many discussions about “flow” … considered to be a state of intense motivation resulting in a feeling of positive engagement and enjoyment. Others also use terms such as being in the moment, being present, in the zone and so on. If you were to refer to […]
What Is A Word …
Perception is a very interesting thing. It guides and supports us, increases or decreases our motivation, and it often fools us. Please, when you have figured out how to ‘perceive’ the statement above, leave a comment without revealing the secret.
Let’s Get Physical
Even though times were tough 100 years ago, rates of depression are far higher now than back then. Researchers believe that this discrepancy is because our brains these days are dulled. Our ancestors’ lives, which were often characterized by trials for sheer survival, provided them with physical activities that led to better mental health. We […]