You Choose
So … you don’t like the results you’re getting? If you don’t like what’s happening, it’s up to you to do things differently. Your results have nothing to do with the client, the boss, your spouse, or your colleagues. They have everything to do with your actions – because your actions are the fundamental building […]
Yes, But Do You Like It?
I’ve worked in many different industries. And I really hated some of those jobs! I suffered from Monday-itis, found any excuse to call in sick and generally dragged my butt around the office all day. I was not very successful. And of course, there have been some jobs I absolutely loved. Monday morning was a […]
No More Eenie Meenie
All successful people know how to make decisions between options. There are some of us, though, who find making decisions really difficult. Let’s use buying a car as an example. While you might have a budget and a general idea, there are so many choices, how do you decide? An easy way is to create […]
Playing Catch Up?
If you’re playing catch up all the time, you’re getting caught up in an ineffective behavior. If you’re overwhelmed with all the “gotta do” stuff in your life, you may be spending up to 70% of your time in tasks that are actually making you unproductive. Action – Track your time in thirty minute chunks […]