It’s Back To School

Everyone is in school, every day. And part of the “school of life” is learning how to accept what can’t be changed and how to live creatively with what is within your control. While you can influence certain things, you cannot control: How much money you make What your kids become The future of the […]

The Power Of Acceptance

Accepting yourself is one of the most powerful choices you can make. In my experience though, people resist the idea of accepting the darkest thoughts and corners of their personality because they feel it is a form of disempowering surrender. I have watched professionals become effective leaders once they accepted their fears and insecurities. I […]

Pursuit Of Happyness

Did you see the film In Pursuit of Happyness with Will Smith? Unfortunately, there’s one problem with the movie. It misses a key point. The pursuit of happiness is still lack and fear. The acceptance of happiness is self love and grace. When we pursue something, we assume we are without it, so we go […]