What The …? – the next 4/40 Event
If you are in Ottawa, we would like you to join us on Wednesday, April 25 at 11:30 a.m. at Constitution Square III for the next 4/40 event. Four months into the year and you are 9 out of 10 on performance goals. “Frank” isn’t in the room, you are eating frogs everyday, your Goal […]
April Fools’ – the myths and misnomers about success in business
If you are in Ottawa, we would like you to join us on Wednesday, April 4 at 11:30 a.m. at Constitution Square III for the next 4/40 event. There is a lot of BS out there on what makes a business person successful. The truth of the matter is there are just 3 simple principles […]
4/40 Seminar on February 15th
I’m launching a new series of seminars and, if you are in the Ottawa area on February 15, it would be great to have you join us. The series is called “4/40” (meaning a 4 hour seminar in 40 minutes). Feel free to pass this to anyone you think would be interested. It’s February 15th. […]