spinning-topThe law of inertia states that an object at rest wants to stay at rest and an object in motion wants to stay in motion.

If you’re not getting the results you want from the actions you’re taking, then this law is in effect for you.

Why? Because another part of the law states that an object will remain in motion at the same rate of speed and in the same direction it’s going unless acted upon by a force of some kind. And the object will resist that change in its state of motion.

This means that unless you consciously and purposefully do something different, you’ll get the same results you’re getting now.

And you alone are the force that must create that new action.

– What’s one thing you could do, starting today, that would make a difference to your results? Take advantage of the law of inertia and make something happen.

2 Responses

  1. Really our mind work as per law of Inertia. If we use and continue for achieving goal in positive way then it works continue and gets positive results. when we get rest of our mind and think negative response then result also gives negative.
    So always we should continue and use our minds with positive energy,
    Thanks Nancy, Very useful example to motivate people.


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