I don’t know anyone who doesn’t feel pressured by requests for assistance at one time or another. And those requests become easier to deal with when we understand the ‘Law of Reciprocity’.

This law states that what you give you shall receive.

Sooner or later that which goes from you will always come back to you.

Yes, you must find the balance when you offer help. But consistently withholding your support from others will only get in your way in the future.

Action – Next time you feel that others are being unhelpful, unsupportive or uncaring, have a look at your own behavior. When was the last time you acted that way to someone else?

Remember, the good that you give out completes the circle of reciprocity and comes back to you.

One Response

  1. Very sound advice, I always want to help those who are kind and understanding in their request vs those who have demands.

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