As a manager, you find yourself running from crisis to problem to crisis again. While there are a number of different reasons why things can spin out of control quickly, there’s one extremely effective way to prevent much of it.

It’s so effective, in fact, that a manager I shared this with found that, within a month, her team were outperforming almost all the other teams in the department.

Each week, she spent one hour with each important section of the business. Marketing, supply, manufacturing, distribution, finances, administration – all the other departments in the company that impacted her team.

Not only was she becoming proactive, she was also more informed. She knew about what was going on elsewhere in the company and what some of the more hidden challenges and successes of others were. She and her team were able to use this information to improve their external results and internal connections.

Action – Have weekly meetings, without fail, with each department or section that impacts your business. Make them focused, proactive and mutual.

And in a month, you will also see different results, guaranteed!

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