I’ve lost track of the number of times when someone wants to talk to me about how the fear of being found out as a “fraud” is preventing them from moving ahead.
When I hear this, I have one question:
Why on earth would you live in a way that creates your fear!?
You see, the fear of being discovered a fraud runs deep for three primary reasons:
One – our own lack of self-esteem,
Two – how negatively we judge others, and
Three – how often we exaggerate our skills and abilities just so we can land a deal, be right or avoid conflict.
Action – So, work on your self esteem, restrain your judgments of self and others, and speak the truth, even if it is uncomfortable. Change your attitudes and the “fraud factor” goes away.
You see, I would rather be disliked for who I am rather than liked for who I am not. Wouldn’t you?
And yet some people want to be liked at ANY cost. It’s such a shame what low esteem,a lack of confidence and little validation from friends and family will drive some people to in their thirst just to be liked ….. even if it means “to thine own self,be untrue” (and that it’s okay in this new day and age as long as it helps make people like you). Thank you Nancy for helping us to rise above and be the person we truly want to be.
Yes Greg, I totally agree with your comment and about Nancy’s impact
Thank you ,at time every where we are talking on Audit compliance and Questions raised on process followed in Work place .Your advise gives clear pathway for taking good decisions along compliance without getting victimised to fraud
Nancy, this is so awesome! I agree and Thank you! Liza