Do you ever think, as you walk through an office, that it frequently resembles a school playground?

I do – the bullies, the name-calling and those “childish” behaviors haven’t changed much!

When people get together in a group, even an office group, they often revert back to unhealthy childlike behaviors, especially when they feel threatened, stressed or afraid. It seems many of us haven’t upgraded our coping skills beyond the school playground.

Action – So how do you change things?

First, be aware of your intentions before you do anything, particularly if you’re feeling stressed. Be sure you’re acting in good faith and not in retaliation or mindless reaction.

Second, if others want to play childish games, let them. You can choose to create your own playground – and it doesn’t have to be for children!

Make it a place where grown-up behavior rules and where grown-up behavior is rewarded.

5 Responses

  1. This hit home, I often feel like the adult in the sandbox at work, having to settle childish arguments between staff.

  2. I need to take this to heart. I often find myself acting childish when I feel threatend.

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