Your outer world corresponds with your inner world.
So you cannot have a messy or disorganized space and expect others to believe that you’re in control and on the path to success!
The Law of Correspondence is simple and fundamental: What goes on outside is going on inside.
Do you question the capabilities of someone who gives the impression of being untidy or disorganized? You may be worried about their ability to deliver on their promises, or you may even distrust them. So why would you expect others to hold you in high regard if your outside world is a mess?
Fortunately, the Law of Correspondence happens to work in reverse too.
Action – Toss out, clean up and reorganize. Get rid of the stuff that’s a mess that bothers you AND others.
Maintain a clear external environment and you will find clarity and calm in your inner world too.
Love it! Also – taking the time to clear up my external environment has always brought me clarity in my intentions and my task list!
good one Nancy although I have seen Associates with desks that look like a tornado came through and somehow they can find everything and are highly successful. I think that is the exception and not the rule Though.
I’ve known folks who can do that too. However, if you ask them for something even a teeny bit obscure, they cannot find it because there is no real logic in the tornado, only memory.
I have always made piles by project and they are neatly arranged until the fire drill and I have to find one thing from each pile, then I have to put them all back in the pile so I don’t misplace anything. I think I need a bigger desk 🙂 Messy workspaces make me very nervous, I have had co-workers with paper and boxes everywhere, to the point where I wanted to clean for them because it bothers me that much. I agree with Colleen, clean space brings me peace of mind and clear thinking.
Many people ‘pretend’ to be comfortable with their messy desk, when they really aren’t. We have several illusions about that kind of space – “I’ll look busy so others will think I’m important” or “I need to keep everything near so I don’t forget” or “if I tidy the desk, others will think I’m NOT busy and put stuff on my desk” and so on. I can work with just one thing on my desk because I have the systems in place to know that everything is handled and organized. It is soooo refreshing for my mind to have a refreshing space for my eyes (i.e. tidy spaces). Life is chaotic enough.
My desk looks like a train wreck! But I know exactly what is in each pile and know where to find anything that is asked of me. I am constantly given projects, knowing that I can push out the work immediately and precisely. I have even taken a picture of my desk showing my supervisor that my plate is full – did not phase them.