Here’s something to help you stay focused, reduce procrastination and achieve more goals.

That ‘something’ is to understand what motivates you.

You probably know some of your motivators already. They could be money, promotion, intellectual achievement, or something else.

One of my motivators is numbers. When I chose to stop smoking, I tracked the money I was not spending on cigarettes and the number of days as a non-smoker. I found that watching both sets of numbers go up was highly motivating.

Motivation is not nearly as complex as we make it out to be. Your real job is to become aware of what motivates you and then use that knowledge to support yourself.

Action – What’s one of your favorite motivators? How can you turn it into a goal that you can measure? How can you use it to help you achieve something you are currently struggling with?

Use what you know of your SELF as a motivator!

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