If you really want to help others, then one of the best and fastest ways to do that is to create a vacuum for their success.
What I’m really talking about is creating a space where people can grow. Can grow “into” actually!
Treat people as if they were already what they want to be and they will automatically rise to the situation and to their capability!
The key is to treat them as they want to be, not what you think they should be. Never assume that you know what they want.
So you need to find out what attitudes and actions they want to actively pursue.
Action – Today, find out ‘who’ a friend, family member or colleague is striving to become.
Ask questions to help them uncover what’s important and what needs to happen next. The best question to ask is simply – How will I know you have achieved what you want?
Then, treat them that way.
Nancy – There was never a truer statement in treating people as they want to be instead of what you think they are than when it is applied to children. Demonstrating a belief in children and adults has the same result. They become how they are treated. Thank you for affirming what I have experienced in my own interactions.