Sometimes people say they don’t have time to follow a particular strategy that I share. Well, this tip is so simple, it takes longer to explain it than to actually do it!

I believe the foundations of success are attitude and action. And the attitude of gratitude is one of the most important.

We are often so busy moving from one thing to another or wanting more more more that we forget about being grateful. And the easiest way to demonstrate gratitude is by sharing it with another person.

I’ll bet that, like me, you have many people in your life that you are grateful for – parents, siblings, colleagues, guides and gurus, friends and partners. Then there are others like your local shop clerk, great dentist and happy bank teller.

When was the last time you simply took 2 seconds to look one of these people in the eye and say ‘thank you’. REALLY look and touch them with heartfelt appreciation.

Action – Today, and every day, stop what you are doing, look directly into someone’s eyes and simply say a sincere “thank you” for how they are contributing to your life.

There is little room for negativity when gratitude abounds.

(Who did you thank today? Let us know by leaving a reply in the comments box.)

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