Who? What? Where? When?

Wow, lots of questions. But did you know that asking questions is actually a mark of success?

Unfortunately, most of us are afraid to ask questions. Geez, “I might look stupid if I have to ask someone a question” right?!

And oh my God wouldn’t that be the end of the world?

So we struggle through our day. At home, we might be scared to ask a question about the truth of an argument. Or at the office we can’t ask the boss a question because we might jeopardize our opportunities. We think we will alienate friends and families if we ask too many questions.

So what are questions?

Quite simply, questions are the gateway to further understanding.

We know that children are going to ask questions. All the time. Almost ad-nauseum. We have great patience because we know they are learning. And sometimes it’s even fun to be a part of their curiosity.

So tell me – where is it written that a certain age means an end to learning?

The most successful people in the world are those who are not afraid to ask questions. To learn. To open themselves to the opportunities that enquiry brings.

There is no need to be afraid.

Action – Every day for the next two weeks, write out 3 questions you have.

They could start out very simple, like how do I use this particular keyboard function, to something more complex, like what do I want to contribute to my community. For now, just write out the questions. If you are inspired to seek the answers, great, but that’s not necessary at this point. Simply writing the questions out each day will reconnect you with your innate curiosity and your desire to learn and grow.

It only takes a moment yet it will have a profound effect for you.

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