Mohini was a white tiger who lived in the Washington Zoo in the 1950s. Amazingly, this rare but beautiful creature teaches us a lot about success, even though this is a sad story.
Mohini’s original cage was 12′ square. As most wild animals do when confined to a small space, Mohini would pace around this limited enclosure. The keepers realized the cat’s distress and set about creating a beautiful new habitat for her to run around in.
With a lot of anticipation, the cat was released into her large open space. But she cowered in the corner of the compound, pacing around a 12 x 12 foot area. She never ventured any further for the rest of her life.
What we seek in our lives is possible, but we can inadvertently spend years in old patterns of thought and behavior. We may want wealth, or to feel authentic or to simply express our own creativity. Yet, each day we think the same thoughts and take the same actions that keep our lives small.
The good news is that, unlike Mohini, you and I can learn new patterns.
Action – The first step is to become aware of what you are doing. Every day, write out one thought or behavior you have that you feel might be keeping you stuck. At the end of 2 weeks, see what common themes are showing up. Then consciously plan your next steps.
There is no need to remain caged in limited thoughts or behaviors.
(Do you recognize any of your confined patterns in this story? Please share your thoughts in the comments box. Your posting may very well inspire someone to take actio in their own life, and that in itself is a gift of success.)