Your friend Jack has just told you he feels overworked and underpaid. Can you relate to him?

He goes on to say he feels like he’s bitten off more than he can chew and doesn’t know how to get everything done.

You encourage him to talk to the boss about reprioritising, maybe streamlining some of the tasks. You remind Jack that no man is an island and that it takes a team of people working together to really achieve true success.

So why exactly are YOU so hard on yourself when things are overwhelming? Why is it that you don’t ask for support? Is it because you think you shouldn’t impose or that it’s a sign of weakness? What are you getting out of the misery?

To achieve our goals, we must practice what we preach.

And before you chime in – it is NOT easier said than done. It is easily done, if you decide to do it!

Every time we encourage, praise, acknowledge or support someone else yet do not do the same for ourselves, we are living without integrity.

Internally, a little voice is saying “you’ll help Jack but what about me?” and you’ll drop a notch or two in motivation and confidence.

Action – Put a notebook into your briefcase or purse. When you give supportive advice to someone else, immediately make a note to self.

You will soon begin to see what you preach, what you practice and where you are out of integrity.

(What do you know you’ve been preaching but not practicing recently? Feel free to share by using the comments box.)

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