I was recently nailed by the flu. A stuffed nose, soar throat and aching body kept me off work for days.

This sort of life event happens all the time. So why is it then that we get so stressed out when they do?

Stress comes when perceived demands exceed perceived capacity to cope.

In my case, I had lost my voice which made recording my corporate audio program impossible.

The way to manage stress when the inevitable happens is to build reserves. A reserve is having more of something than you need right now.

Having reserves of energy will mean that when someone needs your attention urgently, you will physically be able to respond without feeling exhausted. A reserve of money, no matter how small, will mean that when the inevitable non-budgeted costs show up, you won’t feel lack. Reserves of time will help you manage those untimely fires that need putting out at work.

Action – Decide one area of your life that you know needs a reserve. Money, time, energy, relationships, quiet time, choices – whatever appeals to you.

Focus on building a reserve just in that area for now. Set a goal and make it happen.

Having reserves reduces stress.

(What area of your life do you know needs a reserve, soon! Please share your thoughts by using the comments box.)

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