With the average professional having 59 hours worth of work on their desk at any one time, how can anyone get it all done?

The answer is simple. You can’t.

What you can do is make different choices about what you do and when.

I’m often asked “how do I balance my schedule?”

Simple. Schedule your priorities, don’t prioritize your schedule.

What’s most important to your success is scheduled first. The actions and habits that will most contribute to your goals and your top priorities. Everything else fits around these.

And your top priorities don’t get bumped. Period.

A salesman, Steve, realized that one of his priorities was his health. He knew that getting to the gym twice a week helped him be more effective and productive yet he rarely got there. He chose 2 timeslots to commit to the gym.

But what if a client wanted to see him then? He told them he had another commitment and they simply worked out another time. No client has ever left him because of it.

And you know the next part – Steve’s productivity shot up and so did his commission checks!

Action – Today, review your schedule for the next 2 weeks. Are all your priorities already scheduled? In cement?

Get into the habit of scheduling your priorities first instead of prioritizing your schedule and you will immediately see positive results.

(Which of your top priorities tends to falls off your schedule first? Please leave your reply in the comments box.)

One Response

  1. Nancy,
    Just finished reading your post on “Scheduling your Priorities” and wanted to let you know that I appreciate receiving your daily insights. They’re always sensible and uncomplicated and often really hit home. Thanks.

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