Success itself is very simple. It is we who make it complicated.
Over the years, and for all sorts of reasons, we learn how to complicate most things we come into contact with.
But we don’t start off that way. As kids, we are actually drawn to simplicity. And you were probably more interested in the box the present came in than the present itself!
As adults, anything that seems hard or complex to you has probably been created that way – by you.
You can undo that learning by dividing any complex issue into very simple parts. As you learn to master the smaller, simpler parts, no task will ever be too difficult.
Action – What project, system or issue are you working on, or avoiding, that feels too complicated? List all the simple parts that make up the complexity.
And set about mastering each one.
(Do you have an experience of success that was created through simplicity? Please share it in the comments box.)