Trust. Often a very fragile thing. And despite how much we say we do or do not trust others, it actually has nothing to do with them.

Your ability to trust someone else is a direct reflection of whether you trust yourself. Trusting in others is a mirror of you.

Successful people trust themselves to manage situations regardless of what others do. They know they are capable of rising above the negative behaviors people have because they can’t control others anyway.

Successful people acknowledge human fallacies and move beyond the limitations of holding others to perfect behavior.

They build this trust by only focusing on making and keeping promises to themselves.

Action – Every time you break a promise to yourself, you lose your own trust. And the more often you let yourself down, the more you feel others do that too. So you end up losing trust in yourself AND in others around you.

You’ve gotta walk your talk.

If you say it, do it. Build your personal integrity, stop the little white lies, the broken promises and excuses.

Hold yourself higher, live your principles and learn to trust all that you say and do.

(On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you trust yourself to come through for you? Please share your thoughts with others by leaving a reply in the comments box – it can be anonymously if you like.)

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