You’ve been changing in recent weeks. I know this because change is inevitable.
Perhaps you’ve been reading these postings regularly and implementing the exercises. Maybe you’ve bought an insightful book or had an inspiring conversation. Maybe time has just passed by but you’ve noticed a few changes bubbling up.
To fully evolve and achieve the success we pursue, we must learn to discard. As we change internally, we must get rid of things externally that simply hold us in yesterday.
Books, hobbies, systems, people, trinkets – even the furniture, car or house may be reflecting who you used to be. A butterfly does not take the cocoon with it when it breaks free. Neither should you.
Action – Start today. Right now, throw out one thing that you can see or know is near that is no longer reflecting the person you have become. Next, commit to clearing out rooms, drawers and cupboards at home and work of things that serve no dynamic use in your life.
Remove the items from your space that hold you to what no longer exists.
(What are you going to get rid of today? Please leave your response in the comments box.)
Fabulous!! The sentence that rings most true is “To fully evolve and achieve the success we pursue, we must learn to discard. As we change internally, we must get rid of things externally that simply hold us in yesterday.”
I never linked “success” with discarding, but I see how that is absolutely the truth!!
I am in the process of discarding right now, having just recently moved. I cleaned out my storage shed and put all the boxes and crap into the new house rather than storing it again, just so I HAVE to go thru it and discard what is no longer me!! So I’m on the right track to success and it feels fabulous!!
Thanks again for these wonderful daily clips.