Some would say Sigmund Freud was a bit batty. Whether that is true or not, I don’t know but one thing he really did give us was an understanding of the subconscious and its powers.
It is a psychological law that in order to create something in the physical world, it must already exist in your subconscious. The more you know about what you want through your mind, the more you will be able to create it with your hands.
As soon as you’ve finished reading this text, I want you to close your eyes. Go on, no one is watching.
See in your minds eye the end result of one goal you are working on. Whether it’s a work project or a lifestyle change, a new home or new career or building up to a family holiday, get a vision of it in your mind right now.
Sit with that vision for the next 5 minutes. Create its completion in your mind. If it still feels good at the end of 5 minutes, then keep working toward the goal.
Action – Each and every day, spend just 5 minutes looking at that vision again in your mind. (You do have the time to do this exercise, so don’t tell me otherwise).
It is through the power of the mind that you will create success with your hands.