I often tell people they can have what they want. And that’s true. But there is an important question that needs to be asked first.

That question is – Do you want what you already have?

Wow, that question often throws people off!

Success isn’t about continuing to get things. Accumulating items like money, cars, houses, people, jewelry, notches on the bedpost, techno toys, clothes and other schtuff,

Real success comes in the joy you feel by wanting what it is you already have, personally, professionally, literally and figuratively.

There are many ways to create that level of joy and success, but first you must have an honest clear-out and clean-up.

Action – Consider these things:

Do you want the house you live in – does it really reflect who you are?

The car in the driveway – do you feel happy driving it?

How about your job? Does it inspire you?

And the significant relationships in your life? Do they make you want to be a better person?

Is there something else that you don’t want in your life that you can do something about?

It’s time to make a change. Perhaps that change is internal to you – like an attitude, belief or perspective. Or it could be that you need to change something external – like your job, a painful partnership or just a very messy house!

If you do not honestly want what you have, then it is time to let it go. Because what you truly want cannot come until you clear out of your life what it is you don’t want.

This could be a challenging task, or maybe you know right now what needs to go and are willing to do it.

Set about creating your plan of action today to clear out your life. Get rid of what no longer works and make space for what does.

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