I’m quite fond of quotes and sayings. They can be a great source of inspiration. I actually have one of my own that is particularly inspiring. Here is my Nancy-ism:-

Talk about a double-entendre!

So what am I really saying with this? Well, lets have a look.

The first part of the saying – Always take the high road – refers to acting morally, doing the right thing in a given situation. Humanity has been referring to ethics and morality for more than 25 centuries. So, taking the high road is about making a choice to act ethically, morally and properly toward others.

Okay, great.

Now, the second part of the saying is – That way, no one can look down on you.

This is the line that usually captures people’s attention. Why? Because it is one of man’s worst fears – that someone will look down on them, think poorly of them or consider them to be a bad person.

Underneath that though, and this is the cruncher, is that WE tend to look down on OURSELVES when we do something we KNOW is against our own ethics, values and morals.

My saying is not only sending a message that taking the high road will help stop others from thinking badly of us, but it reminds us that no one, not even ourselves, can look down on us if we always act from our own set of values, morals and ethics.

We build our own road every day. It becomes our choice as to whether it is the high road or the low road.

Action – I’m sure something has happened in your life in the last week where you may not have taken the high road. Perhaps you did or said something that you knew was less than your optimal moral guidelines. It is now time to take the high road with it, and stop anyone, including yourself, from looking down on you.

What can you do today to take that situation to the high road?

Is an apology appropriate, or simply a confession of your less-than-stellar behavior? What will turn this around?

Without making amends, you will continue to look down on yourself. And that will stop you from achieving a true and personal feeling of success.

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