Henry Ford once said “if you think you can or think you can’t, you are right”. Those words point out an important fact.

Important, but not always obvious.

Yes, if you believe you cannot do something, you won’t be able to do it. But it actually goes deeper than that.

Because, in the first instance, you won’t even bother trying to achieve it if you think you can’t.

You see, you are what you believe yourself to be.

If you think you are logical, you will behave that way. If you think you are stupid, you will behave that way.

And, when it comes to creating success, if you believe you can achieve a particular goal, you will begin to behave that way.

Beliefs drive behaviour.

The positive belief will lead you to act ‘as if’ it were already so. And it will become so.

It doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor, smart or simple, busy or bored, tall or short, red or green. If you believe you can, you will. If you believe you cannot, you won’t. No other excuses matter.

Action – Do you believe you can achieve the success you define for yourself? Write down an HONEST yes or no answer to that question. And from that answer, simply plan your next step.

Remember, success is largely a state of mind.

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