Were you a kid who dreamed of being an explorer like Christopher Columbus or Sir Edmund Hilary? Let me ask you – what’s stopping you from being an explorer right now?

You’ll probably reply with reasons like lack of money or having too many responsibilities. Well, those are great excuses, but they certainly aren’t reasons!

To achieve true success in life, you MUST be willing to explore new things.

Here’s an old quote – Man cannot discover new oceans until he has courage to lose sight of the shore.

We’re talking here about being willing to let go of past beliefs, habits, opinions and behaviours that keep you locked right where you are now.

Excuses like no money or too many responsibilities are what you need to let go of in order to achieve success, however you define it.

I cannot emphasize this enough. Without being willing to explore new things, to leave old shores behind, to have the courage to step outside of your comfort zone (however you want to phrase this whole concept), you will not be able to achieve the true successes you desire, and deserve!

What are you going to let go of t-o-d-a-y?

Action – Write out one of these old beliefs or behaviours that you know – or at least suspect – is keeping you stuck where you are. As you write, start to form a plan to get rid of this deadweight once and for all.

Explore your own success by losing site of the shores that hold you back.

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