If you want to get a pretty good idea of how someone is feeling, just have a look at their home or office environment. You see, generally speaking, our external space mirrors our internal space.

Someone who feels overwhelmed, defeated, or plain ol’ pooped is likely to have an external environment that is cluttered and bordering on chaos.

However, when someone feels confident, in control, proud and grateful, their space is often open and organized.

The good thing here is that if you are someone currently feeling stressed inside AND your outsides reflect that, just taking some time to tidy up can help to relieve stress.

Action – At home or work, pick one area a day to work on. Recycle or toss out whatever you don’t need or want. Don’t overwhelm yourself with attempting to do it all at once; just do it bit by bit.

In a few short days, the decluttered external space will be reflecting a much more positive, clear you.

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