We recently took our older car in for a tune-up. It had been many months since the poor old thing had seen the mechanic. Unfortunately, it showed. Several systems needed updating, upgrading and general uplifting!

It’s a good thing I look after my business better than the car!

At least once a month, I give the business systems an overhaul. I look at what’s working and what’s not, what could be fine-tuned, or entirely thrown out. Here are a few of the areas that get a once-over:

Are all the financial accounts properly balanced and accounted for? If the tax department wanted to see the paperwork, could I send it to them without stressing out?

What activities outside of the office are yielding the business results I planned? Is my networking “working”? Am I building relationships or just hanging out to avoid other types of activities? Am I excited to go to these meetings or do they feel heavy and burdensome?

Is my lead tracking system up-to-date or do I have business cards lying everywhere? Do I know who is where and what they are up to?

And most importantly, am I on top of my health and feel-good goals? I know this one area is the foundation for everything else.

Action – Give your career or business a check-up within the next 7 days.

Do it before something falls out from under you!

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