integrity Gandhi said, “Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are all in harmony.”

Unfortunately, people seem to be in this never-ending search for happiness. We buy books, hire life coaches, and look to the stars for the answers. But happiness is not a destination or outcome resulting from something else.

Happiness is a way of being that comes entirely from within you!

When your mind is filled with judgment, your language filled with dishonesty or your actions filled with contradiction, you will be unhappy.

Personal integrity – that state of harmony with thought, word and deed – is the path of happiness. Note I did not say the path to happiness, because again, it’s not a destination.

Action – If you’re feeling unhappy generally or even with a particular situation, where are you lacking integrity?

Do whatever is necessary to create that internal harmony.

2 Responses

  1. Another aha moment. Gandhi is one of my favorite people, and I think he was generations ahead of his time. I am at an age when I now understand true happiness. Wish I had learned this when I was 20. Great work Nancy

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