Warren Buffett said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.” You know what? He is absolutely right!
But few people believe it!
Lack of belief is the only possible explanation for people’s haphazard, half-hearted standards of behavior that can destroy what they have worked long and hard for.
Briefly, here are the main actions and attitudes that will ruin your reputation:
- being inconsistent
- not being transparent
- being arrogant
- being unforgiving or unapologetic
- lacking sincerity
And most importantly … lying.
Deception, falsehoods, bold-faced lies or even little white ones will smash any goodwill you have built up OR halt any you’ve been building.
Action – So, start every relationship with a clean slate and stay truthful and honest with everyone you meet.
It’s a simple but oh so powerful way to be in life and business.