I often see people feeling let down and disrespected every time their manager cancels or arrives late to a meeting.
Their manager has just demonstrated a flaw that is hard to recover from.
Too many managers PENCIL in staff meetings while carving in stone a call with a client or prospect. Even before the meeting has begun, the staff aren’t being given the attention they deserve.
“Oh, I’ll just get back 15 minutes late for my meeting with Jane, she’ll understand.” Or “well, client Bob wants to meet with me in a couple of hours so I’ll just move Frank’s meeting to tomorrow.”
Sure, OCCASIONALLY rescheduling an internal meeting is necessary, but when it happens too often, the disrespect that staff feel simply grows and grows.
Action – If you want your team to feel valued and respected, treat them that way. Make your time with them a priority and they will make their performance a priority too!