The more you learn, the more you’ll earn!
While I know that happiness is based on much more than money, I also know that financial independence is something most people include in their definition of an accomplished life, so I could prattle on about happiness, but what you generally want to know is how to make more money!
One thing we know is that 20% of the population make 80% of the money. And something else we know is that while most of us increase our income every year by just 1%, the top 20% increase their by at least 11% every single year. In less than a decade, wealthy people will double their income while the rest of us will likely never do that.
From interviews and studies of the lifestyles of the top 20%, one thing clearly stands out. Those that generate the most working income and then go on to double it within a decade are those who are dedicated to lifelong learning.
These people set aside time every week to increase their knowledge and skill base. From simply reading articles and books to taking university courses, the wealthiest among us are avid students.
Action – To get yourself started in this direction, choose a subject or skill you’re really interested in and commit just an hour a week to learning more about it.