Sigmund Freud. What’s your reaction to that name?
People usually love him or hate him.
The one thing Freud really did give us was an understanding of the subconscious and its powers.
To create something in your physical world, that something must already exist in your subconscious. That’s a psychological law.
Action – Unless you’re operating machinery or driving right now, I want you to close your eyes.
See in your mind’s eye the end result of one goal you are working on. Whether it’s a work project or a lifestyle change, a new home or new career or building up to a family holiday, get a vision of it in your mind right now.
Every day, spend just 5 minutes looking at that vision again in your mind.
The more you visualize your goal, the more it becomes part of your subconscious and the more everything you do will be directed to creating a successful outcome.
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