It’s that time again – time to declutter your office space.

(You know it’s that time because, just by looking around right now, you can see stacks of stuff that need to be tidied up, right?)

Bob’s office was the butt of many jokes around a company where I used to work. You literally could not see the top of his desk and frequently his computer keyboard disappeared under piles of paperwork. Yet Bob swore he knew where everything was, although at least once a day he asked me to help him find things!

While extreme, everyone’s desk could look like Bob’s if we let things slide too far. Fortunately, most of us don’t. And in the end, neither did Bob.

Here is his 4 step plan that got his desk cleared:

1. Make a promise to others to get it tidy. In his case, failure would have cost him actual cash!

2. Get guidance from someone who IS organized. Their tricks and hints are priceless.

3. Commit X amount of time every day to focus on clearing the clutter. Whether 10 minutes or 30 doesn’t matter – it is the consistency of action that creates momentum and results come faster than imagined.

And 4. Make the work and the successes fun and joyful.

Action – You and I both know the list is long of reasons why clutter gets in the way of personal and professional success, so there’s no need to discuss that now. Just commit to decluttering your life and start today!

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